Moments in Time with the Ahlstroms

Let the madness begin...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Zonked Out Tiger and Spiderman

Last night, we went to AMGEN'S Summer Party at Boondocks Fun center in North Glen. Everything was free for 5 hrs. So, you can imagine the party that our kids had at the arcade and racecars and water bumber boats. Near the end of the night, the boys decided to have their faces painted. They looked so cool, you'd think they received special powers with their face paint because they were so wild. Well, the animals had to go to sleep at some point,so we snapped this picture because they refused to wash their faces before bed. They asked if they could wear their faces to church..."No, I don't think so," I said. "I think you might be a bit distracting."

1 comment:

Jolayne said...

Those faces are amazing! The painting is pretty cool too!