Moments in Time with the Ahlstroms

Let the madness begin...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Time to Catch up

As you can all tell by my previous post, I was out of commission for a little while and I was lucky to just function as a mother during the day, so I could hardly keep up with my families antics.

Last week Ben took Ethan to a BYU football game and had a great time in some cool box seats. The cougars defeated UCLA 59-0. They were happy to go and spend some quality time with Ben's sisters Sara and Annalise and his brother Robert and soon to be brother in law, Kimball.

This past weekend, we enjoyed a quick visit from our Iowa friends Laura and Jordan Graff a their four boys Taylor, Aaron,Ethan and Joseph.

My boys enjoyed ditching school and we took them all to the Denver zoo and the Downtown Aquarium. Unfortunately for me, I forgot to take my camera to the zoo, so you will have to settle for pictures of the boys brushing their teeth together. Haa Haa.


Amy said...

Glad you are feeling better! you are sure looking trim. have you been running?
p.s. go cougars!

Jolayne said...

Have you been running? Are you going to do the Turkey Trot? Just wondering.

Aren't you glad last Sunday is over?