Moments in Time with the Ahlstroms

Let the madness begin...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Run Grandma Run!

This blog is a tribute to my mother Martha and the inspiration she has given me to be healthy, kind, loving and supportive. My mother is the female version of Forest Gump. About a year and a half ago she started exercising at a gym and joined a dance group for seniors called "Sassy Gals" and joined a running club! She trained for several races and continually got second place in her age category, 65. She said that she just wanted to win a first prize medal and she'd stop running...not...she has placed first in her age category for the last 3 races she's run. 5 and 10K's And she ran the LA Marathon the first week in March and ran 26.2 miles in 7 hours!!! She's amazing. I felt like a big loser after she told me this, so I invited her and my dad to come out for the Bolder Boulder and suggested we could run it together. Of course, she agreed to come so Ben and I are about to get smoked in two weeks by a 65 year old grandma!! I have been training 3 times a week and the best I've done is 4 1/2 miles. Yikes, I'm in trouble!!


Kris said...

Wow...what an inspiration. I went 6.5 miles the other day just so I knew I could do it and survive and I about died! Anyway, what wave are you in? I think I'm in NC. It'll be fun...can't wait.

Amy said...

that is so awesome! If I'm doing a quarter of what she's doing at her age I'll be happy. How long is the run you are doing?